Blooms Donates Landscaping to Chesnut Charter School

This past weekend, Blooms of Dunwoody worked with volunteers from Chesnut’s Clean and Beautiful Committee to complete a beautification project they started this summer. The focus of the project was the landscaping leading up to the school’s front entrance. Blooms donated a landscape improvement plan as well as the plants and flowers to put in the new flower beds. The design included a reworking of the soil around the school’s main entrance, updates to the urns and seating areas, and the migration of existing shrubs into locations where they will grow better.
Blooms co-owners Suzanne and Patrick Conreaux became aware of the opportunity to get involved the landscaping project through their friends who volunteer to lead committees at the school. “Many of our friends and neighbors have children at Chesnut and the parents are so actively involved in volunteerism that it inspired us to want to help too,” explains Suzanne. “We were really impressed by how parents at the school are stepping up to support the school’s environmental stewardship. They have a Clean and Beautiful Committee, a Wellness Committee, an Ecology Club and numerous other initiatives that help bring education outdoors. While we aren’t landscapers by trade, we felt this was a wonderful opportunity to lend our passions, knowledge and sweat equity to help the community. ”
Patrick adds, “We started this business because we appreciate the way flowers can spark emotion and wonder for people of all ages. Nature has so many botanical treasures. If we can be a part of helping children and adults cultivate these treasures in an environment that fosters learning, caring and nurturing, it’s a no-brainer. Chesnut is exactly the type of community we are proud to support.”
Chesnut Charter School is a diverse and highly involved K-5 elementary school serving the North Peachtree-Dunwoody area. Focused on building a learning community of excellence, Chesnut fosters collaboration between home and school to educate the whole child. If you would like to learn more about Chesnut Charter School, you can visit here or call (678) 676-7100.
Want to support their environmental stewardship programs? Click here.